Travel Frequently Asked Questions


当直接从家庭住址旅行到一个批准的地点,然后到你的家 校园,然后在工作日结束时的家庭住址,你会怎么计算 your mileage?

计算整个行程:家庭住址-到地点-到家庭校园-到 home address minus your normal commute to your home campus.

在奥兰治或奥西奥拉县参加会议并澳门金沙注册授权时 之前提交的旅行表格,我是否要申请我的超额里程 on the Per Diem Voucher or on the In-District Travel Report?

If a registration fee is paid, a  Per Diem Form should be submitted to Accounts Payable. The in-district miles can be claimed on the Per Diem Form. If NO registration fee is paid 并使用$0的旅行授权,然后在  Mileage Reimbursement Form.

如果我没有要求,我是否需要提交应付账款旅行授权 any reimbursements or Per Diem?

No. 如果员工执行与工作有关的职责,则需要旅行授权 out of the office. 如果员工要求任何形式的每日津贴或报销, 那么员工必须向应付帐款提交一份旅行授权表. 如果员工没有要求任何报销,也没有注册 在支付澳门金沙注册后,只需要一个部门的旅行授权 level and Accounts Payable DOES NOT require a copy.

EXCEPTION: An Authorization for Travel and Per Diem must ALWAYS 应提交给奖助金部申请奖助金资助计划及授与讲席 Restricted Funds per the Grant Guidelines, regardless of the amount.

你的“主校区”位于西校区,你必须开车去东校区 a meeting. After work you go home. How many excess miles can you claim?

加上从西校区到东校区的里程数,然后再到你家的里程数,再减去你平时的里程数 通勤(例如:从西到东+从东到家-从西到家=多余里程)

How do I pay for registration fees?

There are a few ways to pay (A) Use your P-card; (B) If it is being paid by a grant do a Check Request and have a check cut for that vendor; or (C) Pay it yourself and get reimbursed on your  Per Diem Form.


How do I pay for lodging?

There are a few ways to pay (A) Do a  Check Request to have a check mailed to the hotel prior to traveling; (B) Pay with a personal credit card and get reimbursed on the  Per Diem Form; or (C) Pay using a P-Card (if the holder of the P-Card is not present, they will 是否需要在旅行前填写酒店的授权书 the charge).

How do I pay for airline tickets?

There are few ways to pay (A) Use your P-Card; (B) If it is a Grant and there is no p卡可用,告诉Travel Max他们会把卡记在美国大学生的账上 Express; or (C) Pay with your credit card and get reimbursed on your  Per Diem Form.

How do I pay for a rental car?

用你的个人信用卡付款,并在每日津贴或支付 department P-Card. Valencia College has an agreement with Budget Car Rental and Avis 租车,所以我们强烈建议您使用预算或安飞士所有的汽车租赁 save you the most on your travel. If you choose to use an outside vendor you will be responsible for all insurance, service charges, etc.
NOTE: Valencia College does NOT reimburse for any upgrades. All upgrades are considered 这是个人澳门金沙注册,您负责所有升级的具体澳门金沙注册.

为什么我必须提供重复的资料,如果它已经包含在旅行 paperwork?

必须提供这些信息,因为并非所有的审阅者、审批者或审核员都必须提供这些信息 have access to all systems. The information must be provided in detail so there will 对于该项目或服务是否是允许的澳门金沙注册,不要有任何疑问.


我如何决定我的旅行授权的出发和到达时间 and Per Diem Forms?

旅行授权表上的出发时间应该是你计划出发的时间 leave your home. 如果要乘飞机,你可以在起飞前两小时报到 您的飞行时间和返回航班时间后的一小时 Travel Form. 在每日上下班表上,你应该报告你离开学校的实际时间 home and returned home from your travel. Again, you are allowed to report two hours 出发前的航班时间和回程后一小时的航班时间 you Per Diem Form. If any flight or travel changes occur that affect your departure 及到达时间,请在每日津贴表格内附上通知应付帐款的备忘录 of the reason for the change.

Can I use my P-card for gas?

Only if the vehicle is a rented vehicle for College use. (If you are using a personal 车辆,你是通过每天的里程率报销)与任何p卡 购买时,必须保留汽油收据以证明购买.

Can you review the contracts process?

Please visit Procurement's Web Page for assistance:

Can you review the Procurement and Accounts Payable Workflow?

For Procurement workflow, please visit their web page at

For Accounts Payable Workflow,一旦创建了订单并且收到了货物/服务,就会生成供应商发票 需要通过Team Dynamix表格提交(链接列在美联社主页上) in order for payment to be processed. If a vendor does not supply an invoice, please submit a Certification of Services in lieu of an invoice.


在接受培训后,您可以在账户代码参考中访问这些信息 guide called  What GL (Account) Code Do I Use.. 本参考指南于2005年编写,对 different account codes. This guide was recently updated in April 2010. The document can be found on the Procurement Web Site, under Faculty & Staff FAQs or on the Atlas page under the Finance Tab within the Procurement Channel. 请注意,这是一般使用的帐户代码,有时 there are special accounts that only apply to Grants. If you are unsure of the account 有关拨款使用的代码,请与拨款会计处联系,电话: extensions 3305 or 3335. For general questions on which account code to use, please contact the Budget Office at 3306 or 3309.

How can I acquire petty cash for my department?

 截至2019年7月1日,金沙注册学院取消了零用现金作为报销/付款 method.

The approved methods of payment are:

  • 采购卡-如《澳门金沙注册》中所述, 一张购物卡——也被称为p卡——可以用来购买许多商品 and services up to $999. This payment method does not require use of personal funds, 澳门金沙注册由于学院的免税号码印在卡片下面 owner’s name, sales tax charges can be avoided.
  • 采购订单-您可以创建一个常设(开放式)采购订单-也称为 PO -它使部门可以根据需要灵活地下订单。 a convenient way to order routine supplies. Please note that check requests as a form 只有在卖方不接受的情况下,才应在例外情况下使用付款方式 a purchase order or P-Card.

When should a Certification of Services be used?

A Certification of Services 只在承办商/供应商不提供发票的情况下,用作支付服务澳门金沙注册 OR if the check is needed before the event or service. All other payments should be processed with the vendor invoice or as an advance.